


“a portrait of my children once a week in 2014”

liam // you’re always imagining and building something new.  You inspire others with vision.

burke // you love most everything written by Roald Dahl. I love to hear your deep, guttural laugh as you retell your favorite parts.

blythe // your face smashed into a pole on the park slide earlier this week while you were running. The skin just beneath your right eye immediately became broken and swollen. Days afterward, I decided to take a picture. This is your “I’m-not-happy-you’re-taking-a-picture-of-me-with-a-busted-eye” look. You held it for about 3 seconds before you burst out laughing.

olive // you learned how to mix primary colors to create secondary colors this week. Here you’re painting two mice dancing in paint, inspired by one of your favorite books, Mouse Paint.

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  1. So sweet, especially love the one of Burke this week. My husband likes to joke that when our daughter (3 1/2) is old enough to read to herself, she might not ever talk to us again. While I hope she still wants to be friends with mama when she gets as big as Burke, I really adore her fondness for the written word and hope it continues.

    1. Author

      It will! You’ll see. Occasionally I have found myself saying to one of the boys, “Put the book down and go play!” My husband and I laugh at how absurd that sounds. Both are important in their own ways. I love having readers though. Thanks for sharing, Sarah. x

  2. The BFG is one of my absolute favorites. Love that portrait of Blythe- she’s a stunner.

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