a hundred times before



You need something to open up a new door
To show you something you seen before
But overlooked a hundred times or more
You need something to open your eyes
You need something to make it known
That it’s you and no one else that owns
That spot that yer standing, that space that you’re sitting

-Bob Dylan, Last Thoughts on Woody Guthrie

Sometimes Beauty heralds to us in vistas or delicacies, and sometimes she obscures in the everyday, beckoning us to look again. And when we take the time to see, to search for her, we’ll discover Beauty has been with us all along. Right in the space we’re standing. In the tasks and people we visit every day.

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  1. Bethany, I loooove Bob Dylan, and your photos and thoughts. Thanks for sharing and for reminding us.

  2. Beautiful reminder that sometimes (often even?) the answer to our longing is so near, if we just watch closely. Again, I love these shadowy photos.

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