41 | 52


2015_week41-12015 | week 412015 | week 412015 | week 41

You’re here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world.  –Matthew 5:14, The Message 

olive | You’ve lost so many teeth the last few months, leaving large gaps in your bright smile. Sometimes when you first wake up and your hair is matted from your sleep, you look a bit zany. You smile with large gapping teeth and eyes full of spark, like anything is possible.

blythe | Most days, you’re still the first to wake up. You always come to find me and snuggle. You purchased a more sophisticated coloring book last spring, similar to one I had received as a gift. Since your toddlerhood, you have loved to order color with smooth, strong strokes. On the weekends, when life is a little slower, we often pull out the colored pencils and fill in our favorite coloring books together until everyone else wakes up. I love this simple time with you.

burke | Ten has been such a pivotal year for you. In most every manner, you’re growing more confident in your voice and thoughts, and although it can be hard at times, I love that you’re growing into a richer version of you. The edges will smooth with time and maturity. Also, this Ghostbuster tee is your new favorite, and when you walk into the room, your dad and I chorus, “who you gonna call?” And you smile.

liam | Since your young years, I’ve noticed how other children flock to you, drawn by your playful, gentle nature and magnetic in energy. Your name means “strong defender,” and as I watch you bolt more quickly toward manhood each day, I also notice your kindness and wisdom growing, too. A bundle of flowers in one hand and a stick in the other–one who defends with gentleness. You’re going to be a good leader one day. 

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